

"If you don't like something,
change it.
If you can't change it,
change your attitude.
Don't complain."

--Maya Angelou


Kaitlyn said...

I just wanted to say that I really like this quote. I find it to be quite true. Often times it is easy to complain about something that we don't like.So we blame it on this or that. When in reality it would be easier to just change our attitude and do whatever it takes to get what we want.

Efoula said...

I love Maya Angelou! Anything that comes out of her mouth, even though most of the time requires lots of thinking over, is gold.

Lexi said...

I absolutely love this quote! i feel like this quote could really relate to alot of students because when something gets hard for someone we jsut have a tendacy on giving up or just quiting. I think by changing our attitudes that would make everything alot easier!