
Facebook LOL ?

Okay, all you Facebook face facing people, check this out!



Maggie Beatty said...

oooooh jeeze haha good one

bill said...


What's so funny about it???

Katie said...

I sent this to almost every person I know. This was great.

blue and yellow said...

i actually stood there and watch the whole thing...
its funny because its true...

s17mcgrath said...

Ok that was hilarious and i love the mix of Enrique, fits quite well. it is weird if you think of it in a serious matter though because i have heard people who talk about situations that involve some level of staking.

I can be your facebook stalker,
I can click away the pain

This is so funny and I am going to share it with my fellow facebook buddies.

I have no sympathy for the people who have their facebook open to the public. I understand we have our blogs available to the eye of the public however the reasoning for that is completely different. it would cause prof marsh a lot of hassle as I am aware off. Fortunately I have mine set to private because I am not naïve and the last thing I want to deal with is stalkers

My friend from south Baptist Missouri convinced me a while ago to download skype so I finally carried out the process. I was sitting in the study lounge and my computer starts ringing and the name reads Mike. Here I am thinking who the hell is mike. I was so scared as I sat there in shock. Then I get messages sent through the skype system requesting me as a friend from no other than mike. That was it. skype was deleted, little did I know that it wasn’t private.

When I was younger I would go around to my friends Andrews house and we were quite young. Now he was lucky enough to be privileged with a computer so we would mess around with it. we were talking in a chat room one day online and this lad suddenly became very forward. He was asking for my number and asking me to send a picture. Right up till then I had messed around with it playing incognito. I gave myself an alias, a completely new identity although no matter how young I was I didn’t divulge any required information. God knows how old, sick and perverted this chap was. i don’t understand some stories I hear or read in the paper regarding girls who meet up with strangers and believe they are in love. How stupid can you be? I have very strong instincts and have a good head above my shoulders I could never involve myself in such naïve matters.

There are some stranger human beings out there and we should all have our wits about them. We should not be so trusting; I know that is a sad matter but its survival of the fittest. We don’t want to get mixed up in awkward positions. Which reminds me a public safety man handed me an announcement sheet about attending a talk about self defense. I think I will go now after watching that funny but morbidly true video.

I got a laugh from me

If you want another laugh, check this out


Unknown said...

That was like the only thing that made me laugh today, thanks Professor. Anyway it seems like even though it is funny in this Facebook skit, I feel like it can happen if not happening already. In fact, the last time I talked to one ony my best friends who attends a college in Delaware. She was telling me that a girl was missing and the last time they checked she had pokes, messages, and comments on her wall from this guy. So although this is funny, we have to remember that things like this Facebook and Myspace crap can lead to trouble and why wouldn't it. I seriously think this is like a drug for everyone. I am going to admit that I check each one three times a day, maybe it is because I am bored or maybe it is becoming addictive, but so many people spend their entire day on these so called "networking" thing but it can get out of hand. But like I said before it made me laugh, but mostly because of the song that was put to the skit.

Efoula said...

hahaha I love it!!! It's so true too!! Facebook has become like a stalker's playground, and now especially with the addition of high schools, it's even worse!
Very funny parody though. I loved it. Nicely don Prof!!

apollonia said...

That was too funny!
The entire song was great, rymed, made sence and everything!
I can't believe you found that!
Now I definitly know that this is going to be on David Letterman show tonight or Live with Regis and KeLLY!
That makes great television!
This was funny! I am going to show all of my friends that go on facebook!

xtin@ said...

*facebook stalker*
..that was a little creepy but very funny :)

Sonal Desai said...

it was a funny video with the song and everything. but thats kind of scary too.

Jon T. Kozesky said...

Funny (or more ironic I guess) I saw this today, because some girl did that to me at breakfast this morning....She comes all the way across the cafe and is like "Your Jon Kozesky right?" And so I pretend to know who she is of course, until she introduces herself as so-and-so from facebook. That was kind of creepy. No sentence should ever start or end with the words, "I'm from facebook."

Anonymous said...

Jon too true. But didn't I meet you over myspace during the summer? HAHAHA. It's funny how everything starts. I love the skit also about facebook because I am sure everyone has at least one stalker or is one. It is not hard at all to stalk anyone. It's pretty sick actually. I do not accept any friend requests from people that do not go to St. Johns, but I have on occasion accepted people I didn't know that went here. I accepted people more freely when I first got facebook now I am strict on adds. :)