
Blog Sweep #3

I'm still waiting for some people to "wake up" in this class and write more, but after sweeping through the blogs for the third time, I can say with confidence that those who ARE blogging a lot seem to be benefiting from it. The writing is getting better, the topics are more varied and interesting, and comments about the blog-to-write process in general are positive and encouraging. I think it works! -- and can work, still, for those who are still off to a slow start.

One thing I've noticed is that either people are writing a lot or they aren't writing much at all. There are a few people in the middle (writing an "adequate" amount), but I think if I mapped the official data there'd be a big "dip" in the graph reflecting these extremes.

What's up with that?

My guess would be that "good blogging" requires getting over a certain hump and that, once you're over that hump, writing a bunch of "thoughtful" journal entries is almost as easy (or manageable) as writing a few. So for those who are still troubled with inertia and a lack of "inspiration" (see my post on inspiration), the blog is still seen as a burden and one that gets worse each day because, well, with each passing day that's another post NOT written. On the other hand, for those who managed to find a groove, get in the swing, develop a habit, and make blogging a "way of life," it's now a lot easier to keep up with it and not fall behind.

Anyway, it would be nice to know what the bloggers themselves think of this phenomenon. All I can do is report the trend, which I'll summarize as follows: A few people writing a lot; a lot of people doing almost nothing; very few people in between those two extremes.


Unknown said...

As a student in this class, I am aware that you have to write a lot in your blog and in general, but it has worked for me. I am going to be honest and say that there were weeks that I had a lot more to do than other weeks, and because of that I was not writing so much but I have gotten a hand on when to make the ACTUAl time to write and air out. But I mean as college students professor I do not think everyone in this class is not writing in our blogs on purpose, timing is everything, and whether we are crammed with other work as well. But as a professor you can only say something and remind us so much. I mean you are trying to form us into doing things completely on our own, we are in college DUH!...LOL

Jon T. Kozesky said...

I have to say that I was one of those students. (Obivously)who tripped up a little at the beginning of the semester on my blog and didn't always write in it. But I think I've gotten better. Really just allowing yourself a few minutes a day to write was the tough part (and I think that was really part of the assignment as well, time management,) but once I did that, I find it much easier to keep up, or even try to get a head a little bit. Writting one blog a week before was rough, but now I find myself trying to get in time to do two blogs a day. Once you get going it really doesn't take all that long. Once you realize that those few minutes inbetween classes when you're not doing anything, or that quick 15 minutes before you head to grab something to eat, is the perfect time to write a blog!

bill said...

If either of you (or anyone else) wants to earn a little extra credit by constructing a "student's guide to blogging enough to do well in this class" as something i could use later as part of my Vision Quest project, um, that would work for me!

you've already isolated a few "tips" that would go into that guidesheet.

s17mcgrath said...

I feel that people may think they are restricted when it comes to writing their in their blog, however they need to realize that it is theirs and they can discuss anything from a range of topics. Students should perceive this blog as an opportunity to share some repressed feelings or opinions. I find there is always something to write about. Once you have got into the flow of it and maintain a routine it will feel like second nature to you. I do not even realize anymore that I am constantly on the lookout for interesting things to discuss. Sometimes it finds me as well. For example my entry about skin milk, that one I located in good old Montgoris. There are an abundance of topics you can discuss:

Conversations you have had recently
What your day consisted off
How you feel
Opinions you may have towards activities on campus
Topics of interest including art
What motivates you?
How your classes are going
Do you agree with the style of teaching your professor adopts?
The feeling music has over you
Jokes or funny situations you have come across
Vivid memories
A favorite holiday

To be honest there is so much to write about, although I know balancing it all out can be tough. However my friend stated a very important point today. “How do you get up at half 7 every morning for breakfast”? He replied, “You get used to and it becomes part of the routine. It is so true you can most certainly make time if you want to. my day consisted of constant movement yesterday, didn’t get a moment to myself and I managed to right a thoughtful piece of work. If you put time a side I can tell you this you will create a brilliant habit of working towards that hard earned grade. Always remember it is possible to go back and add some points to previously formulated work.

Internal factors that allow me to work efficiently within this class include having certain levels of motivation and inspiration. As often as possible I encourage myself to write. I definitely feel my writing is improving and at the moment I want to work on my vocabulary. Seriously once you have started and found a flow no-one can hinder or cease your activity.

blue and yellow said...

when it comes to blogging i dont feel restricted. if i have something to say or i want to express what im feeling about a certain situation it will be expressed.
my only issue is not having time and not knowing what to write about. and i dont like to sit there and write about the generic stuff...such as how my day was or where im going..no!
if im going to write a blog i want it to be something interesting and something that will catch peoples attention when they read it.
why write about your interest and dreams when in reality no one cares but yourself. (keep it to yourself its better that way)
i think if someones going to write something in a blog make it worth the write!! and dont just take up space to take it up...because then its boring!

Tina said...

I enjoy writing in the blog now. In the beginning it was very difficult for me to find topics to write about, but it became easier. The things I write about may not be interesting to everyone else, but they are things that I enjoy writing about, and that is all that matters. The blog gives me the opportunity to write about things that I find interesting, or things that are going on in my life. I would rather write about things I like other than writing about something I have no interest in. Since the blog really has no restrictions this gives me more oppurtunities to write, and hopefully this is making me become a better writer. I already feel like it is easier to put my thoughts into words by writing in the blog every other day, so I really do believe that blogging helps.